First Lien HELOC Calculator

Use this 1st Lien HELOC calculator to calculate your potential cost savings by replacing your mortgage with a 1st Lien HELOC. See your payment schedule, total interest costs between your mortgage and HELOC, and how much faster you can pay down your home.

First Lien HELOC Calculator
Getting Started with the Internet's
#1 First Lien HELOC Calculator


New Home Purchase

Enter your current mortgage details and information to compare against a First Lien HELOC refinance option.

Please ensure that this 10% or more of the purchase price. First Lien HELOCs require a 10% or more (10% - 50%) down payment



Enter your current mortgage details and information to compare against a First Lien HELOC refinance option.



Enter your current mortgage details and information to compare against a First Lien HELOC refinance option.



The income and expenses are the most important factors for this calculator. Make sure to input exactly what each one needs (explained below) to get the best outcome.

Monthly Net Income

This is your household take-home pay after taxes, etc.

Your household income is

0 %

of national average

Total Monthly Expenses

Remember to include your gas, groceries, phone, internet, etc. Do not include your mortgage payments in this figure

Total Monthly Spend (Minus Total Mortgage Payment)

0 %

of national average
Calculate Your Personal Cash Flow
Your Monthly Household Cashflow

Income - Expenses = Cashflow

$ 0


First Lien HELOC


Based on your information our calculations show:

This for you

In this scenario, using the First Lien HELOC, you'll pay off your home
years faster, and will save compared to your existing mortgage.

In this scenario, you'd pay off your home years faster than your
mortgage, however it would cost you more in overall interest.

Although it does cost more, sometimes the additional interest costs can be worth the faster payoff time.

If you feel that the cost is worth it, then this would be a fit for you.

The interest rate exceeds the rate of paydown in your numbers.
We do not recommend this strategy for you at your current Cashflow

Using a HELOC you'll pay off your home in


By switching to a First Lien HELOC & using the
Maximized Cashflow strategy, you would pay off your home
years faster.

Estimated Payoff Time

$ 0.00
$ 0.00

You could Save


on the total interest cost of your home

The First Lien HELOC will cost you

$ more

in overall interest costs

Estimated Interest Cost

$ 0.00
$ 0.00

Using a First Lien HELOC, you'll pay off your home in


by using the Maximized Cashflow strategy.

The total estimated interest cost is:


This would be the same as a 30-year
fixed rate mortgage at:

Want to see more details?

Ready to unlock the details of how to pay off your home in years?

Want to see a side by side comparison against your current mortgage? Provide your information to reveal your home pay down strategy.


Book a Consultation To Run Through Your Numbers

Your Breakdown Results Are On the Next Page

Potential Savings

You could Save

$ 200,000

on the total cost of your home

How Fast You'll Pay Off Your Home


By switching to a First Lien HELOC and applying the Maximized Cashflow Strategy,
you would pay off your home years faster.

First Lien HELOC

Total Cost $ 0.00
Paid in Interest $ 0.00
Actual Cost of Fund $ 0.00


Total Cost $ 0.00
Paid in Interest $ 0.00
Actual Cost of Fund $ 0.00


Total Loan Cost

$ 200,000

Principal + Interest Paid

Total Interest Paid

$ 200,000

The total you paid to borrow your principal balance.

Monthly Payment

$ 3,616.82


Years to Payoff 30
Total Payment 30

Interest Rate

Interest Rate 30
Actual Cost of Fund 30
Mortgage Loan Information

Payment Schedule

# Pmt Date Beginning Balance Interest Payment Toward Principal Ending Balance Cumulative Interest Equity Gained

First Lien HELOC

Total Loan Cost


Principal + Interest Paid

Total Interest Paid


The total you paid to borrow your principal balance.

Monthly Payment

First Month's Interest Only Payment

$ 3,616.82

Average Interest Only Payment

$ 1,595.17

Maximized Cash Flow Strategy

Average Monthly Household Payment

$ 8,500.00

Years to Payoff

Interest Rate

Interest Rate

$ 5.50

Actual Cost of Fund


First Lien Heloc Payment Loan Information

Payment Schedule

# Pmt Date Interest Beginning Balance Minimum monthly payment (interest only) Principal Reduction Ending Balance Total Interest Total Equity Gained

Side by side Comparison

  Current Mortgage First Lien HELOC
Current Principal Balance
Annual Interest Rate
Comparative Interest Rate
Monthly Homeowners Insurance 0.00
Monthly Property Taxes 0.00
Annual Total 0.00
Average Monthly Payment
Monthly Escrow Payment
Years to pay off
Total Loan Cost
Total Interest Paid
Cost of Funds
(Percent paid of Initial Balance in Interest)
Side by side Comparison
  Maximized Cashflow Strategy
Current Principal Balance
Annual Interest Rate
Comparative Interest Rate
Monthly Homeowners Insurance
Monthly Property Taxes
Annual Total
Average Monthly Payment
Monthly Escrow Payment
Years to pay off
Total Loan Cost
Total Interest Paid
Cost of Funds
(Percent paid of Initial Balance in Interest)

Unlock the strategies that can cut your mortgage in half for only $79

Use the payment form below to complete the purchase of your official Custom Strategy Guide. Using the numbers you input in this system, we'll generate you a detailed breakdown of the steps you need to take to unleash this powerful strategy, month by month, so that you can build true wealth through real estate for only $79.

$79 One Time Fee

Why we custom built a 1st Lien HELOC Calculator

We searched far and wide and could not find a good calculator that sufficiently showed how this revolutionary financial strategy works. We felt that a great calculator would include an outputted payment schedule, and could allow one to directly compare a mortgage vs. a 1st Lien HELOC. 

We felt like this movement and the benefits of the First Lien HELOC were so strong that we needed to pull together a great calculator that can directly showcase the benefits, and help people understand this financial strategy, month by month, and the total costs involved with financing their home… not just on their disclosure date. 

Common "Myths" and Logical Barriers To Understanding This Properly

We get it. When you hear someone say “You can pay off your home in 5-7 years without earning more or spending less”… well, it sounds a bit like a scam doesn’t it? A “too good to be true” scenario, we think that modern finance strategy requires a healthy dose of skepticism. But in this case, when using a Velocity Banking (similar to Velocity Banking Concepts), the math actually shows you really can pay off your home in 5-7 years without earning more of spending less. 

So what’s the secret?

Using a 1st Lien HELOC in combination with the Velocity Banking (essentially, all income and expenditures used from one sweep account) HACKS the way that interest is calculated and accumulate for you to pay on top of your debt.

A few key points that are required to properly understand this:

In a nusthell; shorter loan time.

You see, to calculate interest, an annual interest rate has to multiplied by the number of billing periods to calculate a total cost. It turns out, that a lower interest rate on a loan over 30 years actually costs a lot more than a higher interest rate loan at 5 – 10 years. 

Hypothetically you could, however, a mortgage is a one-way loan product. You can only pay into it, and therefor, you have to keep separate bank accounts to maintain a personal liquidity to cover life expenses and living costs. This means that at any given time, you are holding money that is losing its value through inflation, but instead could be applied to and reducing your debt’s principal balance. 

A HELOC is a much better product for this use case because your 1st Lien HELOC is an all in one checking, mobile banking, home loan, and other debt loan. Because it is a line of credit based on the equity of your home (generally at an 80% or 90% LTV), you maintain maximum flexibility and function of your personal income and personal profit. 

The current federal interest rate (and the rate that banks generally tie to to determine their loan products interest rates) is low, and it’s important to understand that this can adjust upward, similar to a variable interest rate. 

Because the American consumer is so heavily marketed and sold on the interest rate of the loan, no one ever focuses on the math of the term of the loan. When you crunch the numbers, most financially responsible households still out perform using a 1st Lien HELOC + Maximized Cashflow Strategy than they do a low-interest rate 30 year conventional or FHA mortgage.

Consumers have been “Trained” by the banks to look at APR as the primary factor for their pricing structure for their home loan, but this is only a secondary metric. 

The most important metric to understand for your loan is what is called “Actual Cost of Funds” (ACF) and is the relationship between the amount you have financed, and the total amount you pay in interest for that financing. 

With a standard 30 year conventional mortgage at a 3% APR, you will still generally pay between 40-120% of the total price of the principal balance in interest to the bank.

So for example:

Say you finance $300,000 at 3% for a 30 year rate. 

Your actual cost of funds would be: $155,332.36 of interest paid. 

$155,332.36 / $300,000 = 51% actual cost of funds (also known as Effective Interest Rate). 

So while 3% APR is used to make you think you are getting a GREAT DEAL on your home loan, when you actually do the math… not so much of a great deal is it?

Empowering American Homeowners with Better Financial Strategies

Interested in a 1st Lien HELOC for yourself?

Get Matched With A Qualified Lender.