Tracking Your Referrals

Brand Ambassador Program by

If you can refer more than 5 users per month, we’ll reward you with a per user fee. Users are measured and assessed based on relevancy to prospective lenders and must meet certain criteria to validate, however this criteria is not based upon whether the user can qualify for a loan.

All referred users must be tracked through dedicated affiliate tracking phone numbers or via a dedicated affiliate landing page. Our operations team will work with referred users to prepare them to apply with the right lender, and will help them be introduced properly to the Loan Originator.

How phone tracking works:

During your affiliate sign up, we’ll provide you a dedicated tracking number that you should provide to your customers to call in on. This phone number routes to our operator team that will then help schedule the user with a Loan Originator from a licensed lender.

How your landing page works:

During your affiliate sign up, we will create a dedicated landing page, branded to your brand (we’ll need to collect your assets) where you can direct users via dedicated ad campaigns, email campaigns, or other promotional efforts. Users that sign up online through your dedicated landing page will be directly attributed to your account.

How your UTM parameter works:

UTMs are a universal way to track data in digital marketing. During your affiliate sign up, you’ll be assigned a UTM number that will be something like ?utm_affiliate=a1234 that should be added onto the end of any links to our website or website properties. 

For example: if you run an email campaign that promotes users to sign up on our website through your dedicated landing page, you would use the link for your landing page, and add the UTM parameter on to the link after the .com. This helps us track your referred users even if they sign up through an alternate means.